
Understanding the Meaning of Colors in Color Psychology

In an above named article at the website of “Empower Yourself with Color Psychology“, the meanings and interpretations of the usage of colors are broken down and explained.

The article explains that the meaning of a color depends on many aspects, but that language of color can be learned by understanding a few simple concepts.

The meaning of a color can vary depending upon who is making the interpretation, to which culture they belong, or the circumstances in which they find themselves.

Red is the color of passion and the readiness to take action.  It may also represent anger.  Read more …

Orange is the color of social communication and optimism.  It may also represent pessimism and superficiality.  Read more …

Yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect.  It is optimistic and cheerful, but can also indicate impatience, criticism and cowardice.  Read more …

Green is the color of balance and growth.  It is optimistic and cheerful.  It can mean self-reliance, or it can also mean possessiveness.  Read more …

Blue is the color of trust and peace.  It is optimistic and cheerful.  It can indicate loyalty and integrity, as well as conservatism and frigidity.  Read more …

Indigo is the color of intuition.  It is optimistic and cheerful.  It can mean idealism and structure, as well as ritualistic and addictive.  Read more …

Violet is the color of imagination.  It is be creative and individual, or it can be immature and impractical  Read more …

The article interprets many more colors, and interprets in depth their usage and meaning.  Read more …